some tips to help our son regain all his energy

To find solutions, we must try to identify the main symptoms. Only in this way will we face this new situation to handle it in the best possible way.

We could highlight:

Bad mood
Concentration problems
Lack of interest
Eating Disorders
Sleep disorders

All of this would be explained by hormonal changes in our bodies.

The reduction of sunlight causes an increase in melatonin which, in turn, will generate a decrease in serotonin or what is the same, the hormone of happiness.

Together with the return to the routine and the climatic changes, all this will explain the symptoms listed above. Along with them, there are many more, but we have seen fit to highlight these.

Fight this state

It is vital to try to escape from this lethargy and accustom our body to a series of guidelines that will help us combat this situation, and that will take us to a more pleasant state, in which we find ourselves more alive and with the necessary interest to perform a multitude of activities.
What do I have to change in my day today?

Next, we will list some habits that we should carry out daily to affect our mood positively.

Exposing yourself to sunlight for at least ten minutes a day (Take advantage of walks with children or your pet, in parks or in open spaces that can give you a ray of sunlight)

Maintain a balanced diet. Our body must possess the necessary nutrients and vitamins at an adequate level.

Sleep the hours that allow us to get enough rest. Remember the mandatory 8 hours a day.

Perform some physical exercise that helps us maintain a good shape. The simple act of taking a walk will be enough for us. The cold is coming, but that’s not why you have to exercise on four walls; consult your trainer, you will see that there are multiple sports that you can do in winter that are very fun and beneficial.

Do activities that make us have a good time, that we laugh at, etc. Our mood will improve quickly. Dance is an activity that brings a very good mood.

As you will see, they represent very easy recommendations to comply with and that our body will greatly appreciate. The later we get to work, the more expensive it will be, and the results will take longer to arrive.

Therefore, instead of fleeing from situations in which our mood is affected, we must face them and find the best solution. Not everyone will react in the same way, so we will have to analyze the situation beforehand and see what behaviours will lead us to face the problem and help us improve our general condition.

As is the case in most cases, the sport will also help us counteract these harmful effects on our bodies. Remember that daily sports practice, in addition to improving our physical condition, will contribute to a more balanced state of mind.

To have an emotional and mental balance, we must eat healthily. Here you will find the components that reduce the appearance of depression and also fight it.

Food, a very important factor at this time of year.

It seems that the phrase that “we are what we eat” finds its foundation at this time of year exactly since it seems that it does greatly affect food intake at this time of year. That is why we should know how to take good care of what we eat daily since this could prevent countless diseases.

Some foods improve our mood as they are responsible for generating serotonin, which helps all our neurotransmitters work much better, helping the nervous system.

Children, like older people, are very susceptible to changes in routines and weather changes. Hence, autumn and their asthenia can produce insomnia, sadness, decay, apathy, loss of appetite, irritability, fatigue, etc.

Almost overnight, children have to go from the quiet of summer to the bustle of the beginning of the school year and extracurricular activities. Like us, the little ones also get distressed when their schedule is full of plans, at least until they get into the rhythm of the day-to-day. Furthermore, the days are shorter, there is less light, and bad weather prevents us from doing some fun plans to which we have become accustomed.

Consequently, they are sadder and more tired, almost as if they played with less desire. This almost sad state in which some children plunge during the fall causes them to lack concentration. Hence, autumnal asthenia can cause a drop in school performance.

Here are some tips to help our son regain all his energy.

  1. Respect sleep schedules. Now more than ever, you must respect the child’s sleep schedules. Only if he rests well at night will he face the day with more strength and courage. The child needs to sleep a minimum of nine hours a day, although this figure varies according to his age.
  2. Offer him a diet that gives him a lot of energy. Faced with a lack of energy, you cannot miss a very complete and varied diet. Ensure that the intake of carbohydrates, proteins, and vitamins is sufficient because these nutrients will provide all the vitality that they lack during these days. Neither can you neglect the intake of fluids, both water and natural juices.
  3. Watch your health. In autumn, everyone starts talking about flu, colds, tonsillitis … Watch your child’s health to rule out that he has contracted or developed some disease that keeps him weaker than necessary. At the first symptoms, go to the pediatrician.
  4. Be more patient with him. One of the effects of fall asthenia is irritability, so you may need to be a little more patient with your child than usual. Remember that he is still learning to manage his emotions, and the feeling of not being able to manage the fall apathy generates frustration and a bad mood.
  5. Get physical exercise. Suggest that your child do some physical exercise, preferably outdoors. You can sign him up for classes or workshops to practice sports or take him to the park. In this way, the child will release dopamine and endorphins, hormones directly related to happiness.
  6. Fill the house with motivational phrases. The best way to combat low spirits is with a little positivity. A good tool to motivate a downcast child is to place positive phrases within reach of her. «You can handle everything,» «what I like the most in the world is to see you smile,» «you are worth a lot,» …
  7. Prepare quality family moments. Incorporate moments into your routine when you can enjoy each other. For example, set aside two hours a week to do a craft together, make cookies as a family, go on a special outing …

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