The future of the sector opens Paris Fashion Week

The promises of French fashion opened Paris Fashion Week on Monday, once again marked by the coronavirus pandemic that forces a fourth edition of the online catwalk to be held, in a commitment to recycling and color.

If this first day had to be summed up in a message, it would be one of positivism, since young talents seem to see the future of fashion in multicolored.

The parade of graduates of the first master’s program of the French Institute of Fashion was an explosion of color, an unprecedented event on the Parisian catwalk, where the work of fabrics stood out, with volumes in three dimensions, rib knit constructions and structured silhouettes.

In addition to the bright colors that painted the students’ creations, dresses and tops with exaggerated shoulder pads in the shapes of cubes or draped balloons also stood out.


The accessories were the most notable part of the virtual parade, presented in a video of about four minutes, with gloves turned into sandals, a cushion that transforms into a bag or a hoop that, hung from the shoulder, folds to shape an original little bag.

Among the brands that they presented on this first day of Paris Fashion Week, which will take place until March 10, also stood out the Danish designer Cecilie Bahnsen, the Korean Kimhekim and the French Benjamin Benmoyal.

Bahnsen vindicated her Nordic style and remodeled her romantic dresses by uniting both styles in a series of voluminous dresses in quilted fabrics, worn over knitted sweaters.
A vibrant neutral white structured the line, in which some touches of pastel yellow, gray, pale pink and black also predominated, around five designs, which were repeated in each color with miniscule touches on each occasion, an ecological commitment to make less.

Ecologist was also Benmoyal’s autumn-winter 2021/2022 collection that debuted on the official calendar of the Parisian catwalk with its garments recycled from video tapes.

With them he created a couple of bohemian silhouettes: a long colored striped cape, baggy pants combined with an ecru blouse.

The video, broadcast on the website of the Federation of Haute Couture and Fashion, organizer of the event, was the occasion to show how to weave from these magnetic tapes, in a collection that was not by chance called “Nostalgia”.

This Monday was also the occasion to follow the latest proposals from the South Korean firm Kimhekim, with its androgynous outfits, which hit the mark in its winter line by converting tailored jackets into asymmetrical tops, sexy minidresses, tops, belts and boleros.

According to the Parisian catwalk, the secret of fashion is no longer hidden in pulling and starting from scratch, but in recovering and giving clothes a second chance.

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